The foot spray fit for a marathon runner
Photo by Alexander Redl
Exercise can take its toll on a man’s feet. An hour or more strapped inside a pair of Nikes during a run, workout or game of tennis leaves them overheated, achy, sweaty, and (let’s be honest) a little smelly. And that’s before we even talk about the perils awaiting your soles on the locker room floor, where bacteria loves to reside even in the most exclusive of gyms.
Now there is an answer to your post-exercise foot pain in the form of a fast acting, cooling and protecting mist from James + Jake - and it’s perfect for those taking part in the forthcoming 2019 marathons. Whether you’re 24-mile runner or just love taking the time to be healthy and exercise, then you’ll love the new Post-Exercise Protecting Foot Spray. Made with natural eucalyptus, lemon and lime, the mist blasts the bacteria that can lead to unwanted fungal infections in an instant. Added organic mint gives a refreshing kick and cools down swollen or sweaty soles with just a couple of sprays, aiding your cool down.
Overall it provides the soothing relief and refreshment you’re crying out for after an invigorating gym session, tennis match - or four hour run. And its quick dry ingredients mean that you can do all this in just a couple of seconds, before putting your socks and shoes back on and heading home with softer, happier feet.
So if you’re a keen sportsman or taking part in this year’s London marathon, show your feet some TLC with the Post Exercise Protecting Foot Spray. Find out more about the product and its ingredients over at the James + Jake shop by clicking here.