Save our soles: The secret to superb feet
Photo by: Sweet Ice Cream Photography
Taking care of your feet is often last on the list when it comes to a man’s skincare routine. It’s understandable; they’re way down there on the floor or under cover most of the time and rarely see the light of day. But if you’ve been spending a lot of time racing around the city, training for a marathon or simply spend too much time barefoot and are wondering ‘how can I make sure my feet stay soft and clean?’, then read the James + Jake guide below.
We put our feet through a lot and eventually, whether it’s at the gym, the beach or in the bedroom, you’ll need to set them free from the confinement of your brogues. For some, just the thought of putting theirs on display is enough to induce a cold sweat, but there are steps you can take to ensure everything is properly maintained from head to toe. Ideally, a regular pedicure will ensure your feet are in tip top condition. But if you’re short on time or don’t like the thought of someone else down there, the following advice will help you ensure yours are more fresh than frightening.
First, a word about cracking
One of the biggest complaints among James + Jake customers when it comes to caring for their feet is hard, dry skin, particularly on the heels. You probably already know that a scrub is designed to remove layers of dead or dry skin to reveal the new, healthy skin beneath, whether it’s on the face or body. But the exception to this rule is severely dry and cracked feet. If you’re suffering from this then the answer is not to exfoliate but to hydrate. Use a topical moisturiser with rich, hydrating ingredients such as shea butter or jojoba to soften the area. We’ve also treated the issue effectively with a rich olive oil-based lotion and also heard good things about marshmallow extract. Whichever product you go for, remember moisturising is better than scrubbing away at dead, corse skin, which can aggravate the condition. For best results, apply onto clean feet in the evening or before bed. You might want to place a clean towel under the feet through the night to avoid any marks on your sheets.
Soaked feet are soft feet
Unless you’re suffering badly with painful cracked heels (see point above), one of the best ways to resolve the slightly scaly situation is a good soak in hot or warm water. Take a bath with your feet submerged for a good 20 to 30 minutes, until your feet are soft to the touch. This helps to hydrate and soften the top layer of skin on the heels if it has hardened over time. You’ll find it easier and less painful to (gently) exfoliate this away.
Cleanse correctly
Wash your feet thoroughly with a product that contains cleansing, detoxifying ingredients such as citrus, eucalyptus or mint. To help ensure they don’t become dry soon after, try using a wash that includes hydrating properties like glycerin.
Exfoliate and invigorate
Time to remove the dry and dead skin from the feet with one exception (see point one above). This should only be done if you have mildly dry feet. If you find your feet are dry or you have been spending a lot of time outside barefoot, then you might benefit from exfoliating gloves combined with a rich and hydrating foot scrub. For less severe cases or if your feet are mostly put through their paces at the gym, a lightly exfoliating cream or gel will help to reveal revitalised, refreshed feet. If your feet are already in good condition and don’t feel hard or dry, a light exfoliation using a towel can help you maintain healthy skin by simply and gently removing dead skin cells to make way for the new.
Maintenance musts
You might think your feet are a lost cause when it comes to manscaping or skincare. But taking a few quick steps will leave them perfectly groomed and leave you less embarrassed when they are finally on display. Clip your nails regularly; weekly if possible, but every other week if not. Shave excess hair to leave them smooth and tidy-looking. And apply a product that keeps them odour free, soft and fresh. We recommend the James + Jake Extreme Cool Down Post Exercise Protecting Foot Spray after every workout, run or game for protection from nasty bacteria as well as lasting softness.
Looking for an effective foot spray for men? Take a closer look at the James + Jake Extreme Cool Down Post Exercise Protecting Foot Spray by clicking here.