You asked J+J: Is double cleansing necessary for men?
Photo: The Creative Exchange
The rise in celebrities and influencers talking us through their skincare routines on social media has highlighted a common part of their daily rituals… the double cleanse. In case you’re not familiar, it means (yep, you guessed it) washing your face not once but twice.
Double cleansing has been recommended for decades, usually at the end of the day or during a facial to ensure your skin is squeaky clean, bacterial-free and a blank canvas on which to apply the product of your choice. Experts and facialists who advise a mostly-female audience, in magazines like Vogue for instance, say it’s a must. And there are now thousands of variations of face wash for men on the market.
Lately we’ve seen a number of grooming experts and bloggers tell guys to do the same, which had us wondering if it was really necessary and led to a bunch of questions from customers when we launched the Major Cleanser. So, when it comes to skincare, do men really need to go in for the double cleanse?
The short answer is no. For most guys, washing your face once a day is more than enough to keep it clean and able to absorb any moisturisers or serums you apply. In fact, if you’re not doing anything too strenuous in the gym or a job where your face gets dirty regularly (gardeners we’re looking at you), then once every other day is totally fine, too. Over cleansing can actually strip the skin of vitals oils and nutrients that occur naturally, which is something we’re keen to preserve for a healthier complexion.
We can hear the gasps from aestheticians and social influencers everywhere who’ve been telling us to double cleanse morning, noon and night. But the reality is different for men and women for one main reason - makeup. Although we’re pleased to see this is changing with some awesome men’s makeup ranges on the shelves, it’s still predominantly women who use multiple products on their face daily, like foundations, blushers, glosses and eyeliners. If these are left on too long or overnight, pores get clogged, skin can’t breathe or repair itself as easily and spots pop up all over the place. So a thorough / double cleanse is essential. As a guy, if you do like to use foundation or a heavier, coloured or tinted moisturiser on your skin, you might find it’s a good idea to cleanse twice at the end of the day in order to ensure everything is removed properly.
Although we believe a once-a-day face wash for men is sufficient in most cases, our advice on the subject is pretty general. Double cleansing for men is something you each have to decide on for ourselves, based on a number of lifestyle factors. If you’re still unsure, here’s a guide to the single Vs double cleanse based on a few lifestyle factors.*
You work outside
Construction workers, gardeners, and athletes - whatever your position, if you’re working outside it’s a given that you’ll be more exposed to the elements, dirt and pollution. Therefore, you may need to wash your face more regularly, but that doesn’t always mean washing twice.
Ideal cleansing routine: Once a day after work / PM
You wear makeup for men daily
If you’re applying a foundation on your face for the daytime, it’s the one time it’s really important to thoroughly cleanse your skin - twice. This helps to ensure all of the product you’ve layered onto your skin can be removed completely.
Ideal cleansing routine: A single cleanse in the AM (before makeup) and a double cleanse at the end of the day / PM (to remove makeup)
You wear heavy sunscreen
First of all, if you’re applying a decent sunscreen or sun protector daily, we applaud you. It is the number one way to keep your skin healthy and youthful. Secondly, they can be thicker than many daily face creams or moisturisers, which means you don’t really want to be leaving it on your skin overnight.
Ideal cleansing routine: A decent single cleanse or a double cleanse if preferred at night / PM
You are serious about applying multiple products
If you’ve read this far, you’re obviously into your skincare products, which makes us happy. This is another reason you might want to consider a more thorough cleansing routine. Firstly, products add up on the skin, creating layer after layer. This acts as a barrier to skin’s ability to repair, regenerate and just breathe. It’s important to give it some time of from serums, moisturisers and oils you might be adding, so give it a double cleanse once in a while. Secondly, skin responds well to products when it’s clean. Removing anything you applied the previous day or any dirt, sweat or pollutants it might have collected gives your skin the chance to absorb whatever you put on next. So if you’re serious about skincare and want those products you’ve bought to actually do their job, given them a black (clean) canvas to work on.
Ideal cleansing routine: Using two products or more: Single or double cleanse in the PM, depending on how rich or heavy the products are. Maybe a single cleanse in the AM too.
You exercise regularly
Most of us are used to participating in some kind of activity that gets the heart rate up and our body a little sweaty a few times a week. This is great not only for your physical and mental health, but skin health too. There’s no need to stress about removing the sweat on your face with a cleanser immediately after a run, game or workout. It’s a good thing - helping your body cool naturally and even adding a healthy glow to your complexion. Leave it. That said, regular exercise means bacteria from sweat builds up. So if you are a regular visitor to the gym or running the streets nightly, make sure you have a good face wash on stand by when you head home for the next time you shower.
Ideal cleansing routine: As required (Every other day, sometime in the PM after exercise and before bed is a good plan)
*This info is just a guide. If you’re unsure about the cleansing step in your routine because of your skin type or you don’t know which product is best for you, send James an email at and he’ll be happy to help.
If you’ve been looking to incorporate a cleansing step into your skincare routine and want to find a great every day face wash for men, take a look at the new James + Jake Major Cleanser here.
Recommended reading: Everything you need to know about the new James + Jake Face Wash